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August 15, 2012
Salem State University Neighborhood Advisory Committee
August 15, 2012 – Minutes

Attendees:      David Coleman, Jack Hoar, Marcia Lambert, Adria Leach, Jason Silva, and Josh Turiel

Absent: Maureen Call, Jason Doviak, Robert McCarthy, Joseph O’Keefe, Jim Rose, and John Walsh

Guests: Joe Berry (Lee Kennedy Co., Inc.), Sgt. Dennis King (Salem Police Department), Chief Gene Labonte (Salem State University) and Leif Lamoray (Leftfield, Inc.)

  • Library/Learning Commons
  • Joe Berry provided an update on the construction schedule.
  • Work continues on the exterior envelope. The skin will be finished next month, and glass will be installed on all levels by Salem Glass.
  • The majority of the work over the winter will be on interior finishes.
  • The turnover date to the university is on schedule for the summer of 2013.
  • Phase II Demolition
  • Mr. Berry stated that bid documents for the demolition of the balance of the existing library building have gone out and are due in late September. The earliest start for any demolition work would be October 2012. All updates on the demolition will be covered in regular SSUNAC meetings.
  • A committee member asked what state the area will be in once the building comes down. Mr. Berry responded that the area will be landscaped.
  • Fitness & Recreation Center
  • Leif Lamoray provided an update on the construction schedule:
  • Mobilization of this project continues.
  • Construction is scheduled to start on September 1 with site work, and the project is on track for a summer 2013 completion.
  • A committee member asked what caused the delay in the construction start. Mr. Lamoray responded that the late start is due to budget hiccups in the initial bidding.
  • Raymond Road Traffic Study
  • Jason Silva explained that this is a city project and that the city engineer held a follow up meeting with a small group of neighborhood representatives after his initial presentation of the recommendations.
  • David Coleman participated in this follow-up meeting and shared that the group discussed the following:
  • Moving forward with the bump-out sidewalks at the intersection of Raymond Road and Loring Avenue
  • A having one-way traffic option on Raymond Road for a trial period with signage and soft enforcement
  • Having a city meeting on a Saturday with Raymond Road residents to discuss the options further
  • City engineer outreach to GPS software companies such as Google and Garmin to update their programs with the one-way option as well as the fact that it is not a truck route
  • Chair Silva added that the next step in this process is the design phase and that nothing is finalized with regard to implementation and construction.
  • Chair Silva also stated that the Loring Avenue and Lafayette Street intersection is a much larger investment and will occur at a later date.
  • Dana Lothrop commented that it would be very helpful for the city to contact GPS sites about not using the street as a cut through or truck route.
  • Neighborhood Disturbances
  • Adria Leach reported that there were no new updates on disturbances from the university’s perspective.
  • Sgt. Dennis King from the Salem Police Department stated that it was quiet from the city perspective as well. He discussed how the Community Impact Unit (CIU) has worked with the neighbors and the university on neighborhood disturbances in the past year. He stated that he relies on phone calls from the residents so that the CIU can keep track of problem houses. He added that the CIU would like to work with the university to discuss options of how to work with new off-campus students each semester to avoid anticipated issues in the neighborhood through a type of “respect your neighbor” campaign.
  • Adria Leach responded that the university is committed to addressing neighborhood disturbances and that external affairs and student life have worked closely together with the CIU on these issues through the neighborhood disturbance protocol. She added that the university is also committed to a continued partnership with the CIU to address these concerns and looks forward to discussing this idea further with the CIU and appropriate campus departments.
  • A committee member questioned who should be contacted about illegal parking in the neighborhoods. Sgt. King responded that neighbors should contact Salem Police regarding parking violations.
  • Alumni Field Lights
  • Ms. Leach reported that facilities has determined that there are multiple circuits that run to these lights that give the university some flexibility in the number of lights that can be turned on. In the next couple of weeks, facilities and athletics will conduct testing after dark to see what configurations may work for intramural sports.
  • Introduction of Chief Gene Labonte
  • Chief Gene Labonte comes to Salem State University from a 22- year career with the Connecticut State Police, most recently, as lieutenant colonel, the second highest ranking position in the department. He oversaw 1500 sworn and civilian personnel and was involved in every aspect of the agency. He earned a master of science in organizational management from Eastern Connecticut State University and a bachelor of science in criminal justice administration from Salem State University.
  • Chief Labonte stated that he will continue to work with and support the Salem Police Department on issues concerning the university and the greater city of Salem and looks forward to further strengthening this partnership.
  • Salem State University Community Open House
  • Ms. Leach announced that the university will hold its second annual Community Open House on Saturday, September 29, 2012, from 12:30 – 4 pm. She handed out flyers to all in attendance. A full schedule and greater detail will be posted on the university’s website at
  • MBTA Improvements
  • Margaret Crowdis shared information on suggested improvements to the MBTA bust routes for Salem residents and students.
  • Pedestrian Traffic on the Bike Path
  • David Coleman requested that the university begin thinking about how to address students who travel on the bike path and congregate late at night. Adria Leach responded that the university has done outreach in the residence halls in the past, and she will follow up with Student Life in anticipation of the new school year.
  • Dunkin Donuts Window Treatment Meier Hall; Off-Campus Parking Update; Tobacco Free Campus
  • The next meeting will be on Wednesday, September 19, 2012, at 6:00 p.m. in the Enterprise Center Training Room B located on Central Campus at 121 Loring Avenue.